giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 1:51:57 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

Standing at the head of a mound of sand. Not even afforded a stage anymore, after a string of losses. Some were close, by god, they were close. Others were downright embarrassing.

Either way, he stood there. Towel around his neck, in a white tanktop and black track pants. Between that and his dangling earrings, the only thing that'd make it more 2003 would be a slightly fuzzy camera filter.

"Oh! It's you again. Chances are, you have something big going on today. Do you need to warm up?"

Giona stood there, with a row of pokeballs clipped to his waistband. One seemed to rustle, as if it were on the ground after being used to catch something. Sparing himself further embarrassment, he acquiesced and let a red beam pull it out. An Ivysaur sat there, freshly caught and still somewhat relaxed. He must've taken it for a walk that day.
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
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Lulu Flint
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 2:24:52 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
Since their first run-in, Lulu was unfortunately not Giona’s biggest fan. A chance to further dominate drove her to accept.

“Tch. Sure. Why not?”

The scientist eyed him—not quite a glare, but something close. She reached for a capsule at her hip and held it out to release something she thought might be fair. She’d brought it along with a Klinklang to fight , not having been able to decide between the two.

This worked out.

“This Magneton mainly works in the labs. Figured I’d get it out for some fun today.”

Electricity buzzed from its dark magnets ominously.

“Shall we? You first.”
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catello casimiro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 2:37:42 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

Standing at the head of a mound of sand. Not even afforded a stage anymore, after a string of losses. Some were close, by god, they were close. Others were downright embarrassing.

She'd narrowed her eyes at him. No matter. He'd just... continue to bluster and smirk his way through it all. Shit shit shit! Is that a Magneton? That immediately invalidates his plan to use Poison Powder and drag it out for a while. Ivysaur looked a little restless. Semi-liquid and smooth in the way that only a frog could be, it opened its flower bud to catch the sun just a little.

"That's interesting. Did it belong to the lab first, or did you bring it with you to work? Do you get to take it for walks, often?"

Giona stood there, and... blanked out for a second. He whistled to Ivysaur, and it immediately opened with Growl. Come to think of it... just the other night he'd caught Ivysaur by blindsiding it and throwing a ball before it had a chance to do anything.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
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every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 3:15:35 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
The Ivysaur’s inattentiveness would perhaps be its undoing—but the Magneton’s utter lack of battle experience helped to level the playing field.

“I’ve been collecting them myself for projects. This one was the first of my lot. None of them have legs, so they don’t go for walks; no.”


The GROWL was met with an odd stare, and a much more grating METAL SOUND was returned. It seemed they were in a stand-off.

“MT-01, attack!”

Maybe in a second. Sparks increased at the ends of its magnets.
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catello casimiro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 3:29:39 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

Ivysaur may have been a bit too laid back now, but that was the case when he caught it too. Just a frog on the beach, soaking in the cool night air, before the sun could rise and flash-fry it.

She'd given an interesting answer. Refused to elaborate on projects, and furthermore sandbagged the second question. He continued to smirk, drawing attention to that.

"They don't have legs. You know what I meant. Do you do anything that isn't work with these things. Do they get turned loose in a park for half an hour."

Giona stood there, and whistled again. Ivysaur was gearing up to attack, still. No sense of urgency with this one. Eventually, it unfurled a set of vines, hurling a Razor Leaf like a frisbee at Magneton.

"Also, slightly off-topic... Would you like to borrow a Bronzor? It's a little sharper than this one."

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played by


saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 3:43:30 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
“Not typically, no.”

Not ever, really, when she recalled a moment. Then, she wondered if it might be beneficial for their work to be let loose every now and then.

She didn’t pay it much more mind.

Magneton was hit by the RAZOR LEAF, but the damage was minimal—mere scratches over its metal builds. It didn’t immediately retaliate, but after a moment, the sparks that had been increasing changed into a variety of energy. TRI ATTACK sought to inflict whatever sort of damage it might on the frog in its trajectory.

A Bronzor? Was this an olive branch?

“Uhhm… sure? You’ll likely get it back a Bronzong…”

Maybe in a second. Sparks increased at the ends of its magnets.
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catello casimiro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 4:04:14 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

Ivysaur adjusted to the sun rather well, come to think of it. The fern-like leaves of its flower bulb fanned out, catching the rays. Normally, Giona just gave everything the meat-cereal that people bought for Mightyenas, but it could be possible that this may need to eat something else. It may even need to eat less.

He smirked, but this time it reached the skin around his eyes. Looked a little more like a genuine smile. Either way, it'd be in capable hands.

"--Either way, it's none of my business."

The incoming attack was a prism of light, with three harsh, bright sides. As it sunk into Ivysaur, it froze on contact. A comically large prism of ice formed around it, sitting on the hot sand and sweating, but not fast enough to free it right away.

"I'm okay with that. Keep it as long as you need to. I have my own project to attend to, and it'll command more of my attention than I'd care to admit."

Giona then unclipped a ball from his belt, bearing the telltale kohl-black top and red R. It wasn't dirty, so much as... the finish on the red underside was starting to get little grooves in it from how often he'd been using it. He'd make a gesture to warn her, then tossed it to her underhanded, like a baseball.
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played by


saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 4:31:42 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
The TRI ATTACK’s ice made contact, FREEZING the Ivysaur. Lulu was surprised at the quick success, eyes flashing appreciatively to her particularly shiny bronze workhorse. If nothing else, from there where it hovered, it packed power.

Lulu’s interest was piqued at the mention of a project.

“A project, eh? What for?” A bit nosy, maybe.

Magneton awaited its next victim, three eyes watching the red beam of light that returned the iced Ivysaur to its capsule.

Maybe in a second. Sparks increased at the ends of its magnets.
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catello casimiro
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june 20th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 4:52:53 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

The gifted ball sailed through the air, landing just shy of her feet. He raised both eyebrows, then chose to mind his own business. He fished for something to hastily replace Ivysaur.

The next one was another recent find. A chandelier that hovered a foot off the ground, found in one of several sojourns to Mount Pyre. He was about to forget 's name. Or... he hadn't caught his name to begin with, and was too confident to back down and ask him at this point. King and Giona chafed against eachother, but in a way that made him feel close. It was like having an older brother.

"--If I'm not mistaken, I found that Bronzor on a hike in Mount Chimney. It was with uh... That guy with the scowl, and hair light blue like a printer cartridge."

Chandelure sailed through the air, opening up the field with a Will o Wisp. A hot ball of blue light that drew closer, curling and orbiting Magneton in the way that a Confuse Ray would.

"I can't justify the expense of living in Mauville. I've filed paperwork to start a gym in Rustboro, and I'll be moving there soon. I still need to exchange a few emails with their City Planning Commission tonight."

The slight ringing in his ears from Metal Sound finally died down. Frankly, he'd said too much already. He had something of a cat-like nature and grin. He did things arbitrarily.
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played by


saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 5:24:46 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
A Chandelure. It reminded her of a terrible time, and the hole in her shoulder. She did her best not to show how uneasy it made her. Chandelure was much more than just any ghost. It was the thing she’d seen before she’d nearly succumbed to her wounds and died. Right before she’d been dragged out, unconscious—leaving the fallen bodies of her Pokemon behind. Emboar. Scyther.

His description was just enough to draw her out of a somewhat distant stare, beholding the ghost for too long. “Yeah, I think I know that asshole.”


But it was too late. It would seem the Magneton could hardly think for itself, and Lulu’s realization of this didn’t come quick enough to save them from WILL-O-WISP. Lulu shook her head as its bronze body glowed with heat. It was BURNED.

She held up a pokeball, returning it in a glow of red light.

Rustboro. Funny that it was mentioned. That had been where it had all happened; the shit with Chandelure.

“A gym, huh? I hope that Ivysaur isn’t part of your A-team.”

The next to be released was Ferrothorn. Its sharp and hazardous appendages whipped IRON BARBS at the air threateningly.
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catello casimiro
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june 20th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 5:38:34 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

She knew him already! Wow. Giona snorted, trying to hold back laughter.

"You too, huh? I think he's hilarious. Just the other day, he told me..."

He scrunched up his nose, and moved his jaw forward a little to jut out his chin. He tried to mimic his counterpart's comically serious expression.

"Ye'd be surprised just how little people want ta supervise me. Turns out, I'm a bit difficult."

Chandelure drifted overhead. It was slowly strafing Ferrothorn, but also gaining altitude. It was like being high and watching a cloud cross the sky. It then opened up with Flame Burst. A gout of flame that'd at the very least make the sand glisten.

"I wouldn't dream of it. I just need Ivysaur to be alert enough to play with Rowlet while I'm at work."

That Rowlet was something of a handful. He and Chryssa were chased by a Decidueye, and something about the restless little football reminded him of that foul thing. It'd be perfect for the gym.
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played by


saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 6:30:36 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
Lulu raised her brows a little, cheeks puffing a bit as she tried not to smile as much as her face wanted to. She snorted lightly.


A bit difficult.

“Yeah. Something like that.”

Ferrothorn continued to ready its IRON BARBS. Waiting for the first move to be taken, it listed to the side from the FLAME BURST, only a fraction of its steel body taking the blow. Angrily, it retaliated with a POWER WHIP, appendages flailing forward at the terrifying light fixture.

They were at a complete and total type and speed disadvantage. It would be by sheer luck that they’d win. Lulu was watching closely, though she didn’t appear discouraged yet.

His story about Rowlet was cute. Her face wouldn’t reveal that either.


“Ferrothorn, BEAM back if they try it again!”

The next to be released was Ferrothorn. Its sharp and hazardous appendages whipped IRON BARBS at the air threateningly.
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catello casimiro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 6:55:50 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

He paused, then looked back to Lulu. His dangling earrings jiggled. His impish smile returned.

"Either way, he's an interesting guy. He's even more serious about hiking than I am."

Chandelure was clipped by Power Whip. It wasn't especially sturdy, and was aided mostly by type advantages. That raw physical power would prove to be an issue if he didn't turn it around quickly. He whistled a slowly ascending note. Chandelure cast a beam from its yellow glass eyes. A beam meant to disorient Ferrothorn if it struck, that we'd understand to be Confuse Ray.

"Sometimes I take it for a walk, and it starts chasing me around. It's like any cat in that way. It'll just make its own enrichment."

Rowlet was something of a handful. That little football had the makings of a mean theater guy, were it a person.
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played by


saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 18:03:15 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
Hiking? Lulu supposed did seem like a sort of outdoorsy guy. Skinning snakes in the desert, and all. She shook her head a bit, as though to clear the air of the conversation. She didn’t care to talk about him anymore.

Ferrothorn was hit by a CONFUSE RAY and became, perhaps predictably, very CONFUSED. Its thorned body teetered and rolled about, and was quickly withdrawn to its pokeball as well—but then replaced again by the Magneton, still BURNED.

“Hang in there, MT!”

Maybe it was cruel. Lulu had been accused of that a time or two.

Rowlet? For a walk? The scientist was still not following Giona perhaps, taking things a little too literally. “Can it not fly?” Maybe she had actually not been fucking with him the first time, about the Magneton legs.

The shiny one in front of her attempted to cast another TRI ATTACK at the Chandelure before it could move, but may have been too slow. Its searing hot metal stung under the beating sun.
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catello casimiro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
giona vs lulu [ H✩T ]
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2021 19:36:54 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

He paused, then looked back to Lulu. His dangling earrings jiggled. She’d taken the first comment too literally, but by now it was something of a game. He could “walk” his Espurr, sure. He could’ve just misspoke, and gone too far to correct himself. And it not like Rowlet couldn’t run in a pinch. It was unclear if he was just fucking with her.

"It can fly, yeah. They get big enough to walk eventually. Have you seen a Decidueye? Big guys."

Chandelure was worn down. Still hovering in the air. It was met with her Magneton, returning to the sand. It was still burned, and this seemed... inadvisable. He wouldn’t remark on it. Just seemed odd.


Chandelure looked it over, as the two hovered. A moment of silence broke, with Magneton moving first. A tri-attack paralyzed Chandelure. Giona withdrew it with a red beam, effectively surrendering. It wouldn’t have gone his way if it continued.

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